A Flash f Light will announce JESUS

Jesus is coming back so be ready Take Jesus to His Word He is The Good Sheppard coming to gather His Sheep ~BE READY AND PREPARED

God The Father's Logistics


It seems futile that God would tell Corrie to sneak between the barracks whereas she could be spotted by the guards in the tower and shot to death . For what ? The simple purpose of whispering to her fellow prisoners being escorted to death  "JESUS LOVES YOU "

Did You Know God said to The prophet tell them " I AM " SENT YOU  and translated to French " I "  added to "AM " spells the name of Our redeemer : " JE SUIS " means "I AM " and with God in The background by taking away "I"   leaves us with "JESUS"

What message am I trying to relate is simple : As Corrie TEN Boom a watchmaker  said 

"GOD HAS HIS OWN LOGISTICS!" None of us can see or understand  His Ways and these , what seem to be futile moments , are still being shown to us in 2024 , which is most undoubtedly End Times 

Anne Frank and Anna of Ukraine merge to bring us to Israel's plight as revealed in Scripture

Hear if you have ears and CHOSE LIFE  which is offered to you. The hands on the clock are moving and time is very precious and limited The clock is dwindling

Fern Dumas (on You Tube or Blogspot)